MaCBES English 日本語


B102: BD セルソーター Aria II SORP [ バイオ解析 | Bioanalysis ]


機器情報 メーカー名:

・4-lasers (L1: Blue 488 nm, L2: Red 640 nm, L3: UV 355 nm, L4: Green 532 nm)
・13 colors (See the following config for the details.)
・FACSDiva 8 software
・Plate sorting
・Cooling system
 Installation Year: AY2009

Blue A: PE-Cy7 (750 LP, 780/60)
Blue B: PerCP-Cy5-5 (685LP, 710/50)
Blue C: PE-Cy5 (635LP, 660/20)
Blue D: PE-Texas Red (600LP, 610/20)
Blue E: PE (550LP, 575/25)
Blue F: FITC (505LP, 525/50)
Red A: APC-Cy7 (750LP, 780/60)
Red B: Alexa Fluor 700 (690LP, 730/45)
Red C: APC (660/20)
UV A: Hoechst Red (635LP, 670/50)
UV B: Hoechst Blue (450/40)
Green A: Grn PE-Cy7 (750LP, 780/60)
Green B: Grn PE (575/25)

iCeMS本館 A202/iCeMS Main Building A202

本間貴之/Takayuki Homma,, ext:16-9863

装置写真 関連資料をダウンロードするためにはログインする必要があります。



2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |

タイトルOn-call maintenance on 9th Feb, 2021
本文Aria II SORP is not available because of BD's maintenance on 9th Feb, Tuesday.
作成日時2020-12-25 10:00:00
タイトルGreen laser exchange on 14th Dec
本文The green laser is planning to be exchanged on 14th Dec, Monday.
作成日時2020-11-26 10:00:00
タイトル[Attention] (Updated on Aug 18) Restriction on the number of the room users
本文The FACS room's concurrent capacity will not change, but it will be changed so that two people using different FACSs can enter the room. However, please note that more than two people cannot enter the room at the same time. If you will be using the equipment with your instructor, please make sure the other FACS is not reserved and indicate on the reservation site that you will be using the equipment for two people. Please do not talk with the person using other equipment.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

作成日時2020-08-18 10:00:00
タイトル (Update) Restriction on the number of the room users
本文In order to allow for instruction, the FACS room's concurrent capacity has been changed to two people. Two using different FACS cannot yet be in the room at the same time.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

実験指導の都合を考慮し,FACS室の同時在室定員が2名に緩和されました.Canto IIとAria IIを使用する2名の同時在室はまだ避けていただけますようお願いいたします.
作成日時2020-06-17 10:00:00
タイトルRestriction on the number of the room users
本文For preventing the spread of COVID-19, FACS room (A202S) is limited to one person at a time.
When making a reservation, please also check the Canto II reservation status and make adjustments between the users so that the usage times do not overlap.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

予約の際はCanto IIの予約状況も参照し、2台の使用時間が重ならないように利用者間で相談をお願いいたします。
作成日時2020-05-19 10:00:00
タイトル[Attention] This machine is now under special operation for COVID-19 till May 6th
本文You have to report your finishing experiment to the analysis center staff after disinfectant.
Please confirm the details of the special procedures before using this machine by downloading
'iCeMS解析センターCOVID-19利用者感染防止機器別対応表日本語版20200408' for Japanese or
'iCeMS Analysis Center Equipment Special Operation for COVID-19_E 20200408' for English
from our top page.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
作成日時2020-04-15 10:00:00
タイトルThe flow-cell has been changed to a new one
本文The flow-cell has been changed to a new one on 2020/03/27.
You don't have to change any experimental factors by this change.
But contact us if you have any problems in this matter.
作成日時2020-04-03 10:00:00
タイトルAria II SORP is not available on 27th Mar
本文3/27(金)10:00からBDによる修理が予定されているため、この日Aria II SORPをご使用いただけません。

A BD engineer is coming to fix a problem on drop formation at 10:00am on 27th Mar.
You can't use Aria II SORP on the day.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance.
作成日時2020-03-12 10:00:00
タイトル FACSs are not available on Mar12, 9:00am-14:00
本文3/12(木) 9:00am-14:00の間、部屋のパーティション工事のためFACSをご利用いただけません。

FACSs are not available on Mar12, 9:00am-14:00 because of partition installation work of the room.
作成日時2020-02-20 10:00:00
タイトルNotification about the printer
本文現在、デフォルトのプリンターはEPSONのものです。東壁際からCanto IIのPC隣のラック上に移動しました。ご質問がありましたら解析センターまでお問い合わせください (ac* (replace * with @) / ext.9863)。

The default printer is an EPSON one now. It moved onto the rack next to Canto II PC. Cantact Analysis Center (ac* (replace * with @) / ext.9863) if you have any questions in this matter.
作成日時2020-01-09 10:00:00