2023/4/4 / 最終更新日時 : 2024/4/30 iCeMS_AC Bruker NMRFE-TEMSU5000 Selective sorption of oxygen and nitrous oxide by an electron donor-incorporated flexible coordination network Shivanna, M., Zheng, J.-J., Ray, K.G., lto, S., Ashitani, H., Kubota, Y., Kawaguchi, S., Stavila, V., Yao, M.- […]
2023/4/3 / 最終更新日時 : 2024/5/8 iCeMS_AC Auto Fine CoaterBruker NMRFE-SEMFE-TEMJEOL NMRNikon Confocal Organosilica nanoparticles containing sodium borocaptate (BSH) provide new prospects for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT): efficient cellular uptake and enhanced BNCT efficacy Laird, M., Matsumoto, K., Higashi, Y., Komatsu, A., Raitano, A., Morrison, K., Suzuki, M. & Tamanoi, F. N […]
2023/1/18 / 最終更新日時 : 2023/6/1 iCeMS_AC Bruker NMR Stereoselective Synthesis and Characterization of Indenone Azine-Based Electron-Accepting π-Conjugated Systems Takagi, S.I., Hayakawa, M. & Fukazawa, A. Chemistry – A European Journal n/a, e202300181 doi:https://doi. […]
2022/11/15 / 最終更新日時 : 2023/4/28 iCeMS_AC Bruker NMRFE-TEM Fine Pore-Structure Engineering by Ligand Conformational Control of Naphthalene Diimide-Based Semiconducting Porous Coordination Polymers for Efficient Chemiresistive Gas Sensing Xue, Z., Zheng, J.-J., Nishiyama, Y., Yao, M.-S., Aoyama, Y., Fan, Z., Wang, P., Kajiwara, T., Kubota, Y., Hor […]
2022/11/9 / 最終更新日時 : 2022/11/15 iCeMS_AC Bruker NMR Separating water isotopologues using diffusion-regulatory porous materials Su, Y., Otake, K.-i., Zheng, J.-J., Horike, S., Kitagawa, S. & Gu, C. Nature 611, 289-294 (2022). doi:10. […]
2022/10/17 / 最終更新日時 : 2023/4/28 iCeMS_AC Bruker NMR Synthesis and Reactivity of Weiss Diketone Derivative Bearing Four Phenylsulfanyl Groups Yasui, K., Isogai, R. & Fukazawa, A. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2022, 6 (2022). doi:10.1002/ej […]
2022/9/13 / 最終更新日時 : 2023/4/28 iCeMS_AC JEOL NMR UiO-66 metal organic frameworks with high contents of flexible adipic acid co-linkers Tan, T.T.Y., Li, X., Otake, K.-i., Tan, Y.C., Loh, X.J., Kitagawa, S. & Lim, J.Y.C. Chemical Communicatio […]
2022/9/7 / 最終更新日時 : 2023/4/28 iCeMS_AC Bruker NMR Multi-Component Synthesis of a Buta-1,3-diene-Linked Covalent Organic Framework Su, Y., Li, B., Xu, H., Lu, C., Wang, S., Chen, B., Wang, Z., Wang, W., Otake, K.-i., Kitagawa, S., Huang, L. […]
2022/8/20 / 最終更新日時 : 2023/4/28 iCeMS_AC Bruker NMR Hypercrosslinked Polymer Gels as a Synthetic Hybridization Platform for Designing Versatile Molecular Separators Su, Y., Wang, Z., Legrand, A., Aoyama, T., Ma, N., Wang, W., Otake, K.-i., Urayama, K., Horike, S., Kitagawa, […]
2022/8/15 / 最終更新日時 : 2023/4/27 iCeMS_AC Bruker NMRFE-SEMPlasma Coater Carbonic Anhydrase-Mimicking Supramolecular Nanoassemblies for Developing Carbon Capture Membranes Nilouyal, S., Karahan, H.E., Isfahani, A.P., Yamaguchi, D., Gibbons, A.H., Ito, M.M.M., Sivaniah, E. & Gh […]