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B102: BD FACS Aria II SORP Cell Sorter [ バイオ解析 | Bioanalysis ]

Detail information

Machine info Maker:

・4-lasers (L1: Blue 488 nm, L2: Red 640 nm, L3: UV 355 nm, L4: Green 532 nm)
・13 colors (See the following config for the details.)
・FACSDiva 8 software
・Plate sorting
・Cooling system
 Installation Year: AY2009

Blue A: PE-Cy7 (750 LP, 780/60)
Blue B: PerCP-Cy5-5 (685LP, 710/50)
Blue C: PE-Cy5 (635LP, 660/20)
Blue D: PE-Texas Red (600LP, 610/20)
Blue E: PE (550LP, 575/25)
Blue F: FITC (505LP, 525/50)
Red A: APC-Cy7 (750LP, 780/60)
Red B: Alexa Fluor 700 (690LP, 730/45)
Red C: APC (660/20)
UV A: Hoechst Red (635LP, 670/50)
UV B: Hoechst Blue (450/40)
Green A: Grn PE-Cy7 (750LP, 780/60)
Green B: Grn PE (575/25)

iCeMS本館 A202/iCeMS Main Building A202

本間貴之/Takayuki Homma,, ext:16-9863

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