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B007: Zeiss Multiphoton Fast Super-Resolution Microscope LSM980NLO Airyscan2 [ バイオ解析 | Bioanalysis ]

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・Long-term live-cell confocal/super-resolution/2-photon imaging
・7 laser lines (405, 445, 488, 561, 639, Chameleon Ultra II 680-1080 nm)
・Airyscan2 super-resolution imaging with 120-nm (xy) and 350-nm (z) resolutions
・Airyscan2 fast and gentle multiplex mode with 4x and 8x acquisition speeds
・Spectral unmixing by 32ch GaAsP detector array
 Installation Year: AY2019

[Detailed Specs]
・Motorized inverted microscope AxioObserver.7
405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 639 nm, Coherent Chameleon Ultra II (680-1080 nm)
34ch  QUASAR GaAsP spectral detector
1ch  Transmitted light detector
Airyscan 2 detector with multiplex (4x and 8x) acquisition modes
・Automatic focus correction unit (Definite Focus.2)
・Motorized XY stage
・Piezo Z stage
・Wide-field fluorescence unit (HXP120V fiber-coupled light source)
・DIC unit
Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.80
Plan-Apochromat 63xOil/1.40 for super-resolution
alpha Plan-Apochromat 63xOil/1.46 for super-resolution
・Cell culture unit (Incubation chamber + Heater + CO2 supply)
・Arivis Vision 4D

総合研究1号館別館 304 | Research Bldg. No.1 Annex Rm. 304

藤原敬宏/Takahiro Fujiwara,

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