【May 23 and 24】Hands on training session for spinning disk confocal microscope system Andor Dragonfly

Please be informed of the Hands-on training session (by Toshiyuki Watanabe, Andor Technology) for Andor Dragonfly running in iCeMS Analysis Center, which was allocated based on the activity of MaCBES.

Dragonfly offers high-speed (up to 400 fps) spinning disk confocal observation with reduced pinhole crosstalk and high full-field uniformity. The microscope system enables high-contrast 3D observation for large-volume samples as well as for subcellular dynamics imaging. About the product and applications, please visit
The system specification in iCeMS Analysis Center is summarized at the bottom.

The session is intended for researchers who can bring own sample.

May 23 (Thu) and 24 (Fri): 1 session in the morning and 2 sessions in the afternoon
1.5 hrs each (operation training using own sample)

Room 302 of Research Bldg. No.1 Annex (#33 building of Main Campus)
iCeMS Analysis Center, iCeMS, KUIAS, Kyoto University

Japanese or English

For registration and assignment of the slot, please contact Takahiro Fujiwara (tfujiwara [at] icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp) of iCeMS Analysis Center by May 10 (Fri).

Takahiro Fujiwara, iCeMS Analysis Center


Multimodal Fast Confocal Microscope System Andor Dragonfly
・Dragonfly 502
Spinning disk with 2 pinhole diameters (25 and 40 microns), Borealis illumination, Laser-illuminated widefield mode, 2 camera ports, Camera magnification (3-position motorized), Illumination zoom, GPU-accelerated deconvolution in parallel with acquisition, Imaris Core
・Motorized inverted microscope Nikon Ti2-E
405 nm/100 mW, 488 nm/150 mW, 561 nm/100 mW, 637 nm/140 mW
iXon Ultra EMCCD
Zyla 4.2 Plus sCMOS 
・Automatic focus correction unit (Perfect Focus)
・ASI motorized XY stage and stage piezo (500-micron range)
CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda 10X Dry NA 0.45 WD 4.00
CFI Plan Fluor 20X MImm (Oil/Glycerin/Water) NA 0.75 WD 0.35-0.33
CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda S 25X Silicone NA 1.05 WD 0.55
CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda S 40X Silicone NA 1.25 WD 0.30
CFI Plan Apochromat VC 60XC Water NA 1.20 WD 0.31-0.28
CFI Apochromat TIRF 60XC Oil NA 1.49 WD 0.13-0.07
CFI Apochromat TIRF 100XC Oil NA 1.49 WD 0.15-0.09
CFI Plan Apo Lambda 60X Oil NA 1.40 WD 0.13
CFI Plan Apo VC 100X Oil NA 1.40 WD 0.13
・Tokai Hit stage top incubator
・Mosaic3 photostimulation unit with 405 nm/450 mW laser