B001: ニコン 高速共焦点顕微鏡 A1R
- ・Live-cell confocal imaging
- ・High-speed confocal imaging by resonant scanner and piezo z stage scanner
- ・4 laser lines (405, 488, 561, 640 nm)
- ・Spectral unmixing by 32ch spectral detector unit
- Installation Year: 2007
[ Detail ]
- ・Eclipse Ti-E, Inverted
- ・Ti PerfectFocus Unit (maintains the desired focal plane for long-term live cell imaging)
- ・Motorized XY Stage
- ・Piezo Z Scanner
- ・Epi Fluorescence Unit (Intensilight Precentered Fiber Illumination)
- ・DIC Unit
- ・Lasers 405, 488, 561, 640 nm
- ・Objectives CFI Plan Apo 10x, CFI Plan Apo VC 20x, CFI S Plan Fluor ELWD 20xC, CFI Plan Apo Lambda D 40x, CFI Plan Apo VC 60x oil, CFI Plan Apo VC 60x water
- ・Epi Fluorescence Filter Set DAPI、FITC、TRITC
- ・High-speed Resonant Scanner (7.8 kHz) for High-speed Imaging at 30 fps (512 x 512 pixels) and 420 fps (512 x 32 pixels)
- ・2 x GaAsP Detectors (for 488 and 561 nm channels), 2 x PMT Detectors (for 405 and 640 nm channels), 1 x PMT Detector (for DIC)
- ・1 x 32 channels Spectral Detector Unit for Spectral Imaging at 1.67 fps (512 x 512 pixels) and 24 fps (512 x 32 pixels)
- ・Fluorescence Filters 450/50, 482/35, 525/50, 540/30, 595/50, 700/75
- ・Cell Culture Chamber with Temperature and CO2 Control (Tokai Hit)
B002: オリンパス 共焦点超解像顕微鏡 FV-1000
- ・Live-cell confocal imaging
- ・FV-OSR 2D super-resolution imaging with 120-nm (xy) resolutions
- ・6 laser lines (405, 440, 488, 515, 559, 635 nm)
- Installation Year: 2007
[ Detail ]
- ・Motorized Inverted Microscope with Automatic Focus Correction Unit IX81ZDC
- ・Motorized XY stage
- ・Epi Fluorescence Unit (Mercury Lamp Illumination)
- ・DIC Unit
- ・Lasers 405, 440, 488, 515, 559, 635 nm
- ・Objectives UPLSAPO 10x, UPLSAPO 20x, UPLSAPO 40x, UPLSAPO 60x OIL, UPLSAPO 100x OIL, UPLSAPO30XS Silicone Immersion
- ・Epi Fluorescence Filter Set DAPI, FITC, TRITC
- ・4 x PMT Detectors
- ・GaAsP Detector
- ・Super Resolution Unit and Software FV-OSR
- ・Cell Culture Chamber with Temperature and CO2 Control (Tokai Hit)
B003: ライカ STED超解像顕微鏡 TCS SP8 STED
- ・Live-cell confocal imaging
- ・Gated STED 2D super-resolution imaging with 50-nm (xy) resolutions
- ・5 laser lines (458, 476, 488, 514, 633 nm) and white light laser (470 – 670 nm)
- ・1 to 3-color STED imaging by 2 depletion laser lines (592, 660 nm)
- Installation Year: 2009
[ Detail ]
- ・Motorized confocal microscope SP8 (based on Leica DMI 6000 CS)
- ・Adaptive Focus Control unit (maintains the desired focal plane for long-term imaging)
- ・Lasers Ar (458, 476, 488, 514 nm), HeNe (633 nm)
- White light laser: continuous wave laser in the range of 470-670nm; AOTF allows to choose up to 8 different wavelengths simultaneously; pulsed laser system with a repetition rate of 80 MHz
- Continuous wave depletion laser (592, 660 nm) for STED
- Ti:Sapphire pulsed laser (Coherent Chameleon)
- ・Detectors
- 2ch PMT fluorescence detectors
- 2ch high-sensitive hybrid GaAsP detector HyD; time gated detection allows improvement of STED lateral (xy) resolution to <50 nm by suppressing short-lived signals at the edge of focal spot
- 1ch Transmitted light detector
- ・Scanner
- FOV scanner with dual scanning galvanometer mirrors allows for either high speed scanning 7 images/sec at 512 x 512 or high pixel density scanning 8k x 8k (64 megapixels) per channel.
- ・Motorized XY stage and Z galvo stage for high-precision Z-sectioning
- ・DIC unit
- ・Objectives
- Dry lens HC PL APO CS 10x/0.40
- Oil lens HCX PL APO CS 40x/1.25-0.75, HCX PL APO CS 63x/1.40-0.60, HC PL APO 100x/1.40 STED WHITE
- Water lens HCX PL APO 63x/1.20 W CORR CS
- ・Cell culture chamber with temperature and CO2 Control (Tokai Hit)
- ・Deconvolution software with STED option (Huygens)
B004: ツァイス 共焦点・FCCS顕微鏡 LSM780
- ・Long-term live-cell confocal imaging
- ・7 laser lines (405, 440, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm)
- ・Spectral unmixing by 32ch GaAsP detector array
- ・Molecular interaction detection by FCS/FCCS (ConfoCor3 with APD detector)
- Installation Year: 2009
[ Detail ]
- ・Motorized inverted microscope AxioObserver.Z1
- ・Lasers 405, 440, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm
- ・Detectors
- 34ch QUASAR GaAsP spectral detector
- 1ch Transmitted light detector
- 2ch External detector for multiphoton (for GFP and RFP)
- 2ch APD detector for FCS/FCCS
- ・Automatic focus correction unit (Definite Focus)
- ・Motorized XY stage
- ・Wide-field fluorescence unit (X-Cite fiber-coupled light source)
- ・DIC unit
- ・Objectives Plan-Apochromat10x/0.45, Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.80, LCI Plan-Neofluor 25xImm/0.80, C-Apochromat 40xWater/1.20, Plan-Apochromat 63xOil/1.40
- ・Cell culture unit (Incubation chamber + Heater + CO2 supply)
- ・Narishige micromanipulator
B005: ツァイス 超解像顕微鏡 LSM880 Airyscan
- ・Long-term live-cell confocal/super-resolution imaging
- ・6 laser lines (405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm)
- ・Airyscan super-resolution imaging with 120-nm (xy) and 350-nm (z) resolutions
- ・Airyscan fast mode with 4x acquisition speed
- ・Spectral unmixing by 32ch GaAsP detector array
- Installation Year: 2015
[ Detail ]
- ・Motorized inverted microscope AxioObserver.Z1
- ・Lasers 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm
- ・Detectors
- 34ch QUASAR GaAsP spectral detector
- 1ch Transmitted light detector
- Airyscan detector with fast acquisition mode (4x faster)
- ・Automatic focus correction unit (Definite Focus)
- ・Motorized XY stage
- ・Piezo Z stage
- ・Wide-field fluorescence unit (HXP120V fiber-coupled light source)
- ・DIC unit
- ・Objectives Plan-Apochromat10x/0.45, Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.80, LCI Plan-Neofluor 25xImm/0.80, Plan-Apochromat 40xOil/1.30, Plan-Apochromat 40xOil/1.40, Plan-Apochromat 63xOil/1.40 for super-resolution, Plan-Apochromat 100xOil/1.46 for super-resolution
- ・Cell culture unit (Incubation chamber + Heater + CO2 supply)
B006: ツァイス 共焦点顕微鏡 LSM710
- ・Long-term live-cell confocal imaging
- ・5 laser lines (458, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm)
- ・Tiling/stitching for multiple fields
- Installation Year: 2009
[ Detail ]
- ・Motorized inverted microscope AxioObserver.Z1
- ・Lasers 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm
- ・Detectors
- 2ch QUASAR spectral detector
- 2ch LSM BiG GaAsP detector (for GFP and RFP)
- 1ch Transmitted light detector
- ・Automatic focus correction unit (Definite Focus)
- ・Motorized XY stage
- ・Wide-field fluorescence unit (X-Cite fiber-coupled light source)
- ・DIC unit
- ・Objectives Plan-Apochromat10x/0.45, LD LCI Plan-Apochromat25xImm/0.80, Plan-Apochromat 40xOil/1.40, LD C-Apochromat 40xWater/1.10, Plan-Apochromat 100xOil/1.46
- ・Cell culture unit (Incubation chamber + Heater + CO2 supply)
B007: ツァイス 多光子超解像高速顕微鏡 LSM980NLO Airyscan2
- ・Long-term live-cell confocal/super-resolution/2-photon imaging
- ・7 laser lines (405, 445, 488, 561, 639, Chameleon Ultra II 680-1080 nm)
- ・Airyscan2 super-resolution imaging with 120-nm (xy) and 350-nm (z) resolutions
- ・Airyscan2 fast and gentle multiplex mode with 4x and 8x acquisition speeds
- ・Spectral unmixing by 32ch GaAsP detector array
- Installation Year: 2019
[ Detail ]
- ・Motorized inverted microscope AxioObserver.7
- ・Lasers
- 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 639 nm, Coherent Chameleon Ultra II (680-1080 nm)
- ・Detectors
- 34ch QUASAR GaAsP spectral detector
- 1ch Transmitted light detector
- Airyscan 2 detector with multiplex (4x and 8x) acquisition modes
- ・Automatic focus correction unit (Definite Focus.2)
- ・Motorized XY stage
- ・Piezo Z stage
- ・Wide-field fluorescence unit (HXP120V fiber-coupled light source)
- ・DIC unit
- ・Objectives
- Plan-Apochromat10x/0.45
- Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.80
- Plan-Apochromat 63xOil/1.40 for super-resolution
- alpha Plan-Apochromat 63xOil/1.46 for super-resolution
- ・Cell culture unit (Incubation chamber + Heater + CO2 supply)
- ・Arivis Vision 4D
B008: アンドール 高速共焦点顕微鏡統合システム Dragonfly
- ・Spinning disk confocal imaging with uniform Borealis illumination
- ・Fast live-cell imaging up to 400 fps and 3D imaging for large volume samples
- ・4 laser lines (405, 488, 561, 637 nm)
- ・2 high-sensitive cameras (iXon Ultra 888 EMCCD and Zyla 4.2 Plus sCMOS)
- ・Mosaic3 photostimulation unit with 405 nm laser
- Installation Year: 2019
[ Detail ]
- ・Dragonfly 502
- Spinning disk with 2 pinhole diameters (25 and 40 microns), Borealis illumination, Laser-illuminated widefield mode, 2 camera ports, Camera magnification (3-position motorized), Illumination zoom, GPU-accelerated deconvolution in parallel with acquisition, Imaris Core
- ・Motorized inverted microscope Nikon Ti2-E
- ・Lasers 405 nm/100 mW, 488 nm/150 mW, 561 nm/100 mW, 637 nm/140 mW
- ・Cameras
- iXon Ultra EMCCD
- Zyla 4.2 Plus sCMOS
- ・Automatic focus correction unit (Perfect Focus)
- ・ASI motorized XY stage and stage piezo (500-micron range)
- ・Objectives
- CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda 10X Dry NA 0.45 WD 4.00
- CFI Plan Fluor 20X MImm (Oil/Glycerin/Water) NA 0.75 WD 0.35-0.33
- CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda S 25X Silicone NA 1.05 WD 0.55
- CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda S 40X Silicone NA 1.25 WD 0.30
- CFI Plan Apochromat VC 60XC Water NA 1.20 WD 0.31-0.28
- CFI Apochromat TIRF 60XC Oil NA 1.49 WD 0.13-0.07 (37oC)
- CFI Apochromat TIRF 100XC Oil NA 1.49 WD 0.15-0.09 (37oC)
- CFI Plan Apo Lambda 60X Oil NA 1.40 WD 0.13
- CFI Plan Apo VC 100X Oil NA 1.40 WD 0.13
- ・Tokai Hit stage top incubator
- ・Mosaic3 photostimulation unit with 405 nm/450 mW laser
B009: ツァイス 格子構造化照明超解像顕微鏡 Elyra7 with Lattice SIM^2
- ・Live-cell super-resolution imaging up to 255 fps
- ・4 laser lines (405, 488, 561, 642 nm)
- ・Light efficient lattice structured illumination imaging and advanced deconvolution (Lattice SIM^2) with 60-nm (xy) and 200-nm (z) resolutions
- ・SIM^2 Apotome mode for fast optical sectioning
- ・Simultaneous dual-color imaging by 2 high-sensitive cameras (PCO edge 4.2 sCMOS)
- Installation Year: 2021
[ Detail ]
- ・Motorized inverted microscope AxioObserver.7
- ・Lasers
- 405 nm/50 mW, 488 nm/100 mW, 561 nm/100 mW, 642 nm/150 mW
- ・Cameras
- PCO edge 4.2 sCMOS x2 with Duolink module
- ・Automatic focus correction unit (Definite Focus.2)
- ・Motorized Z drive
- ・XY (130 x 100 mm) & Z (100 µm) piezo scanning stage
- ・Wide-field fluorescence unit (HXP120V fiber-coupled light source)
- ・Objectives
- EC Plan-Neofluar 10x/0.3
- LD LCI Plan-Apochromat 25x/0.8 Imm Corr
- Plan-Apochromat 40x Oil/1.40
- alpha Plan-Apochromat 100x Oil/1.46
- ・Cell culture unit (Incubation chamber + Heater + CO2 supply)
B101: BD フローサイトメーター Canto II
- ・two lasers (L1: Blue 488 nm, L2: Red 633 nm)
- ・six colors (See the following config for the details.)
- ・FACSDiva 8 software
- ・High Throughput Sampler (HTS), available for a 98- or 384-well microplate
- Installation Year: 2008
[ Detail ]
- Blue A: PE-Cy7 (735 LP, 780/60)
- Blue B: PerCP-Cy5-5 (655LP, 670LP)
- Blue C: (610LP)
- Blue D: PE (556LP, 585/42)
- Blue E: FITC (502LP, 530/30)
- Blue F: SSC (488/10)
- Red A: APC-Cy7 (735LP, 780/60)
- Red B: (685LP)
- Red C: APC (660/20)
B102: BD セルソーター Aria II SORP
- ・4-lasers (L1: Blue 488 nm, L2: Red 640 nm, L3: UV 355 nm, L4: Green 532 nm)
- ・13 colors (See the following config for the details.)
- ・FACSDiva 8 software
- ・Plate sorting
- ・Cooling system
- Installation Year: 2009
[ Detail ]
- Blue A: PE-Cy7 (750 LP, 780/60)
- Blue B: PerCP-Cy5-5 (685LP, 710/50)
- Blue C: PE-Cy5 (635LP, 660/20)
- Blue D: PE-Texas Red (600LP, 610/20)
- Blue E: PE (550LP, 575/25)
- Blue F: FITC (505LP, 525/50)
- Red A: APC-Cy7 (750LP, 780/60)
- Red B: Alexa Fluor 700 (690LP, 730/45)
- Red C: APC (660/20)
- UV A: Hoechst Red (635LP, 670/50)
- UV B: Hoechst Blue (450/40)
- Green A: Grn PE-Cy7 (750LP, 780/60)
- Green B: Grn PE (575/25)
B104: ProteinSimple キャピラリーイムノブロッティング Jess System
- ・Capillary chemiluminescent and fluorescent Western blotting
- ・2-40 kDa, 12-230 KDa or 66-440 kDa/8 x 13 or 8 x 25 capillary cartridge available
- Installation Year: 2020
[ Detail ]
B105: Applied Biosystems 4キャピラリーDNAシーケンサー Seqstudio Genetic Analyzer
- ・Sanger sequencing
- ・4-capillary
- ・Thermo Fisher Connect compatible (available for remote-monitoring from home)
- Installation Year: 2020
B106: Applied Biosystems RT-PCR装置 QuantStudio 3
- ・three independent temperature zones for precise temperature control and optimization
- ・compatible with the standard 96 well (MicroAmp Optical 96-well Reaction Plate (Cat. no. N80 10560) or MicroAmp Optical 8-Tube strip (0.2 mL, Cat. no. 4316567))
- ・Thermo Fisher Connect compatible (available for remote-monitoring from home)
- Installation Year: 2021
M001: 日本電子 電界放出形透過電子顕微鏡(FE-TEM) JEM-2200FS+JED-2300T
- ・local state analysis such as morphological observation and structural analysis in nano-scale
- ・Elemental analysis for the nano regions by EDX
- ・High-contrast observation with an omega-type energy filter
- ・Low temperature, high temperature sample holder
- ・resolution lattice 0.05nm, point 0.14nm @200kV
- ・TEM(BF,DF), SAED, STEM(BF,HAADF), EDX(point, line, mapping), EELS
- Installation Year: 2009
M002: 日本電子 電界放出形走査電子顕微鏡(FE-SEM)JSM-7500F
- ・Shape observation and composition analysis at the nano- micro-scale
- ・resolution 1.0nm(15kV), 1.4nm(1kV)
- ・acc. voltage 0.1kV~30kV
- ・magnification x25~x1,000,000
- ・Method low acceleration voltage mode (Gentlebeam), Energy filter(ganma-filter)
- Installation Year: 2008
M003: リガク X線吸収分析装置 XAS-Looper
- ・Analysis of the elemental composition and structure in a sample
- ・Max 3kW
- ・Non-destructive analysis
- ・Elemental selectivity
- ・Local structure analysis in a specific element
- Installation Year: 2008
M004: ブルカー 核磁気共鳴装置(NMR)AVANCE-III 500USP
- ・Analysis of molecular structure of organic molecules in solutions
- resonance frequency(1H) 500 MHz
- ・Probe 1H/19F & 31P~15N 5mm Auto tuning mode
- ・Autosampler(max 24sample)
- ・Temperature-variable measurement -20℃~+100℃
- Installation Year: 2009
M006: 日本電子 核磁気共鳴装置 (NMR) JNM-ECZ600R/M3
- ・600 MHz solid NMR system(with 24-sample ASC)
- CZR-type solid NMR spectrometer (with middle power amplifier)
- ・Probe: 1 mm HX MAS/wide temperature range 3.2 mm HX MAS/8 mm HX MAS/3.2 mm AutoMAS/GR (High gradient magnetic field, sample tube for solid)/5 mmFG/ROYALHFX
- Installation Year: 2019
M007: 日立ハイテクノロジーズ
ショットキー走査電子顕微鏡 SU5000
- ・Shape observation and composition analysis at the nano- to micro-scale
- ・resolution 1.2 nm(30kV), 3.0 nm(1kV)
- ・acc. voltage 0.5 kV~30 kV
- ・magnification x 25 ~ x 600,000
- ・Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer(EDS)、large area observation
- Installation Year: 2014
- ・Gas Adsorption/Desorption (N2, CO2, O2, Ar)
- ・77 K (Liquid Nitrogen), 0~40 ˚C
- ・BET surface area
- Installation Year: 2021
- ・Gas Adsorption/Desorption (He, N2, O2, CO2, Ar)
- ・H2O, Organic liquids available
- ・77 K (Liquid Nitrogen), 0~40 ˚C
- ・BET surface area
- ・Measurement in extremely low pressure
- ・Pore distribution analysis
- Installation Year: 2010, 2012
- ・Gas Adsorption/Desorption (He, N2) (CO2 is not available)
- ・H2O, Organic liquids available
- ・77 K (Liquid Nitrogen), 0~40 ˚C
- ・BET surface area
- ・Measurement in extremely low pressure
- ・Pore distribution analysis
- Installation Year: 2024
M201: フィルジェン オスミウムプラズマコーター OPC60AL
- ・Making a conductive Os thin film on the surface of SEM samples for preventing charging. reducing granularity and heat damage
- Installation Year: 2009
M202: 日本電子 オートファインコーター JFC-1600
- ・Making a conductive Pt thin film on the surface of SEM samples for preventing charging and heat damage
- Installation Year: 2009
M203: 真空デバイス
オスミウムプラズマコーター HPC-20
- ・Making a conductive Os thin film on the surface of SEM samples for preventing charging. reducing granularity and heat damage
- Installation Year: 2014